September 15, 2020

SBF Baker and Chef, Alyssa
Very little goes to waste here at the farm. Between our chefs and baker who whip up the delicious prepared meals and baked goods that are sold in the market, the staff and volunteers who are more than willing to take home “imperfect” and surplus produce, the local food bank that can always find use for extra eggs and veggies, and the SBF pigs and chickens who consider lettuce cores, overripe beans and cracked tomatoes a veritable feast —– almost every bit of food at the farm that isn’t sold to our market customers, gets used. And what doesn’t get eaten by pigs, people or chickens, goes into the dozen or more black compost buckets that are hauled away each week by the good folks at Hartland Organic Family Farm for their vermi-composting business (which, then, comes back to us in the form of natural fertilizer —- a.k.a. worm castings). With each American wasting nearly a pound of food per day (the equivalent of 37 million cars’-worth of greenhouse gas emissions from food left to rot in landfills), we’re committed to doing our small part in caring for the planet that gives us so much in return.
Market shelves have been packed all summer long with the season’s bounty, thanks to our farm and market staff, volunteers and local partner farms who have worked hard to keep fresh, organic food coming.